Mini Masquerade - how to get into someone else's account

Mini Masquerade

As a staff member at MassChallenge, there will be times that you need to assist users with a particular task. When this happens you can use the mini-masquerade tool to gain access to an individual account and make necessary adjustments. 

Who has access to this tool?

This tool is accessible to program operation managers (POMs) and global operation managers (GOMs) only.

What can I do with this tool?

The mini-masquerade tool was developed to allow staff access to accounts for a variety of reasons.

  • Allow staff to see the same view that an expert is seeing
  • The ability to assist with editing profiles, confirmations, etc.
  • Assist with troubleshooting judging issues

What CAN'T I do with this tool?

  • Masquerade as another staff user
  • POMs can't submit judge feedback when masquerading as a judge

Where do I find this tool?

The mini-masquerade tool can be accessed through the Mentor Directory and the People Directory.

Simply search for the user in the appropriate directory, and when their directory information card is displayed, you will see a red button labeled "Masquerade".

To assume control of the account, click the red "Masquerade" button.

Once you've clicked that button, a modal will display with some basic reminders about the use of this tool.

* It is important to note*

  • Any changes that you make while masquerading as a user will persist after you release the account
  • Use of this tool is monitored in order to be able to provide assistance should you still encounter any issues

To continue with assuming control of the account, you will need to type in the email associated with that particular account in the text box provided.

Once you have entered the email for the associated account, the blue "Masquerade" button will activate and you can then click it to proceed.

Once you have taken that action it is important that you be patient.

It can take up to 30 seconds for masquerade to initialize.

Once you are masquerading as the user you will see a yellow warning bar along the top of the screen that indicates that you are working as another user and not under your staff account.

You will also notice a red "Release" button. In order to release an account, simply click that button and you will be logged out as that user.

If at any time you do not see this banner, but suspect that you may still be operating within a users account and not your own, simply look to the upper right hand corner of the screen and check the name of the profile. If it isn't the account you wish to be using, simply select "logout" from the drop down menu next to the profile icon.

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