Revenue Operations

This article focuses on Hubspot use performed by Corporate Development, Partnerships and Philanthropy team. We'll cover your responsibilities in RevOps, how are systems connect, and contacts flow specifically with Hubspot to Salesforce.

This article assumes you have gone through the Mail Genius and Marketing Genius training content.

Available in Powerpoint format 👉🏾 RevenueOps Slide deck

CorpDev/Sales Ops Role

  1. Platform Ops or Marketing sets you up with specific Hubspot privileges
  2. This role creates and owns forms, properties, and views.
  3. Maintain tasks and meeting scheduling on the platform.
  4. Set up and maintain workflows to support initiatives.
  5. Regualary support Hubspot maintaince and advocate for Hubspot best practices.

How systems talk

  • Hubspot owns any communication, and contact building.
  • Salesforce owns forecasting and sales data.
  • All data is replicated between the two systems.

How Contacts flow

Top of funnel - how contacts are brought into Hubspot

  • Cold contacts sourced from Wiza

See LinkedIn Sales Navigator & Wiza walkthrough 👉🏾 here

  • Corp Innovation E-book or Partner Inquiry Form submission
  • General Interest in Partnerships Form submission
  • Event attendee indicating Parnership interest
  • Personal or offline connections
    • This requires manual input - Any property requiring manual input are easily accessible on a Contact's record

Cold Workflow Explained

Cold to Warm - How contacts flow

This part of our process is automated to include email sends, follow ups and task creation for Corp Dev.

Warm Workflow Explained

Goal is to get identified quality leads to a sales call.

  1. Prioritze leads based on inbound source.
  2. Based on response send low quality leads to “Who are you campaign?”, send high quality leads to ‘MQL’ flow and Triage contacts not identified by LinkedIn Sales Navigator.
    • Review contacts not identified by Sales nav, and either send through MQL flow or refer to the community team.
    • Manually Update Lifecycle Stage, Lead Status and Identity to trigger next steps.
  1. Calls are scheduled, and Corp dev owner identifies if contact should move on to be a SQL or requires additional calls.
    • Corp Dev owner also follows up with any ‘No Shows’ automatically identified.

Hubspot Tasks Explained

Sending contacts to Salesforce

Goal is to get identified leads to closing a deal.

  1. Corp Dev owner has performed all steps and identified a lead to be a SQL
  2. Manually Updates Lifecycle Stage to ‘Sales Qualified Lead’ or Lead Status to ‘Bad Timing’
    • SQL will trigger a Salesforce tag to be picked up by the team
    • ‘Bad Timing’ leads are sent to a follow up flow to check in every 60 days
  1. SQL will be reported and managed on Salesforce until they are Closed and and/or a Customer
    • Automatically will periodically check in with Salesforce’s Deal Stage if sale was Closed- Won or Closed-Lost
    • Any ‘Closed – Lost’ contacts can be entered into a ‘Re-Heat’ workflow and sent the Global marketing newsletter

CorpDev Emails Explained

CorpDev Deals Explained

Next Steps


  • Follow workflows and make iterations where needed
  • Track performance and measure emails, calls and sales pipeline
  • Add to Data initiative to have improved weekly, monthly reporting via Domo
  • HubSpot contractor to audit and review updated platform and processes (by EOY)

Ongoing Data Cleanup

  • Maintaining non-delivery management with unsubscribed, Hard bounced, Failed deliverable, no email contacts
  • Deleting cold contacts not engaging with content
  • Continued governance over HubSpot with Marketing collaboration

Relevant Stakeholders

  1. CorpDev
  2. Partnerships
  3. Other deal managers
  4. International teams

Referenced Sources: