Company Manager Overview (Beta)

The Company Manager, located within the new staff experience, is the single place where staff can view data related to companies(startups) in the MC ecosystem. Updates roll out often as we refine the Beta release. If you have specific feedback, please include the version number located at the bottom of the left-hand navigation.

Search for a Company

We've made searching for companies and their information easier. From the "Search" top navigation you will be directed to the new Search Tool.

Begin typing the name of the company that you are searching for and you will see suggestions appear, with the results narrowing down the more information you provide. We've included some participation information to help you identify which company you want, since there can be multiple companies with the same name. Once you see the company that you're searching for, simply click on the name and you'll be directed to the company record, which will display in the top navigation to the right of the search option.

Let's use John's Crazy Socks as an example.

You'll see some initial information here, such as the company name, location and profile picture (if they have one). This is also where you'll see an indicator as to whether or not a company is in stealth mode.
Organization ID, profile creation date and founding date are also displayed.
Participation labels

Each record will have a participation label below the name and location. As seen below, this company is a startup. Their organization ID has been exposed, the date the profile was created and the date on which the company was founded.

To view the companies directory profile, click the "View Directory Profile" button within the public/stealth status box. This will open their directory profile in another tab.

View Company Data

Each company has a record split into 5 sections:

  1. Summary displays all of the startup status tags in descending chronological order. This is very similar to what has traditionally been displayed in the staff support section of a startup profile
  2. Profile general info about the company
  3. Team every team member of the company is listed here. Primary contact and team admins receive specific badges
  4. Activity this displays some activity for this company (it's the same data we display in the staff support section of the public-facing profile)This is not editable. As a company has new activity it will appear here in descending chronological order
  5. Notes displays all notes from staff about this company in descending chronological order. All staff can leave notes. Notes are visible only to staff through this interface and are usable by all staff.
Note: User records are not currently editable in the BETA release.


The engagement summary is where you'll see familiar labels like "entrant", or "finalist". These will display in chronological descending order.


This section contains an overview of the company information. From Primary industry, pitches to social media handles. In future versions we are aiming to make those clickable to copy/navigate to for ease of use.


Every team member of the company is listed here. Primary contact and team admins receive specific badges below their name.

To change the primary contact, simply click the grey,"Change primary contact" button. A pop-up will appear, as seen here. Select the new team primary contact from the drop down list and click the "Save Changes" button.


This area displays some activity for this company (it's the same data we display in the staff support section of the public-facing profile)This is not editable. As a company has new activity it will appear here in descending chronological order.


Displays all notes from staff about this company in descending chronological order. All staff can leave notes. Notes are visible only to staff through this interface and are usable by all staff.

Note: User records are not currently editable in the BETA release.

The staffs name will be recorded as well as a date and timestamp so that you will know when a note was added and by which user, so you can ask for more information if needed. Character limit for each note is 512 characters. When finished with your note, just click the "add note" button to add this information to the company record.